University Marketing and Communications

Filming Guidelines

Filming on the University of Texas at Austin campus is overseen by University Marketing and Communications. Review these guidelines to ensure you’re in compliance with the University’s filming policies and procedures.

Please note: University rules prohibit filming commercials or advertisements on University property, as well as filming that implies endorsement of a business or organization (including nonprofits).

For convenience, the word “filming” as used in these guidelines includes motion pictures, videotape, audio recordings, still photography and digital imaging.

The University reserves the right to refuse or revoke permission to film or photograph on the University of Texas at Austin campus for any reason.

News Media Filming

Photography and filming by conventional news media outlets does not require a permit. If you are a news media outlet and have questions or require assistance in coordinating a video or photo shoot, please email

Non-News Filming

The University has long been supportive of the filming and photography industries in Texas. Learn more about permissions and protocols for feature films, documentaries, indies, reality TV shows and television programming.

Student Filming

Current Moody College of Communication students and registered student organizations may film on campus with restrictions. Learn more about the requirements and processes for student film projects.